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About Jenny Lorant Grouf


At an early age, I had a deep sense and belief that our body, mind, emotion and spirit are inseparable. This fascination continues to inspire me on a life-long exploration of bodywork and how we support our own wellness.


My own birth story instilled in me a clear understanding of the inner workings of the female body. This awareness created a passion within me to champion women’s strength, presence and wisdom – all of which beam through clearly in the roots, nature and miraculous abilities of a woman’s body. Every stage of girlhood and womanhood has been my teacher, and my personal experiences as well as those of my children and husband deepen my understanding and constantly propel me to explore any angle of a healing process.  


Over the years, I have worked with groups committed to women’s wellness such as the UCSF Women’s Health Resource Center, Safe Horizon of New York and the Joyful Heart Foundation. From its inception, my private practice has been completely committed to women, their transformation and well being.

Unraveling is being present with what is.
Liz Koch

About My Practice


Bodywork offers a healing space of silence and stillness, and each session is a fascinating puzzle. As a certified Perinatal Massage Therapist, Infant Massage Instructor and Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner, I have supported women in all phases of life to nourish within and nurture their newborns.
I bring to each session my understanding of structural anatomy, physiology, the workings of the nervous system and various layers of our metaphysical makeup. In my practice, I approach the body as a whole and honor that every aspect is interconnected - body, heart, mind and spirit. Whether blending Eastern and Western healing philosophies and techniques or using one modality, I will guide you to nurture, heal and empower yourself through bodywork and education.
As women, we have a unique role as creators and nurturers. In order for us to be in our full potential, we must first ensure that we are nourished ourselves. The body is a true miracle that, like all of nature, has innate wisdom to change and grow, create and heal. Our whole system comes together in the belly, making it a central connection to our internal wellness. Shiatsu sees all areas of the body reflected in the belly, or Hara; in Ayurveda all channels of the body converge at the navel; Mayan wisdom attributes all internal balance to a woman’s belly; the belly is the center of our creativity and reproductive force; it is the holding place of intestinal health; and the midline that holds our central nervous system.
A session with me is your time. Come, be with yourself, breathe deeply, and join me in accessing the messages that your body is communicating. We are constantly receiving messages from our bodies about our wellbeing or lack thereof. When we pay attention, we become facilitators in our own healing process. I would be honored to support your process.

How I Work


I deeply believe that every facet of our body is interconnected. Therefore, I allow time prior to every session for us to discuss your health history and present state of being. Additionally, I reserve time following a session to review my observations, make recommendations that will support your body’s process and discuss any questions that arise for you.


While we have the opportunity to collaborate within a session and share observations, I will only initiate talk during a session to guide you through a position, breath work or to check in with you regarding your comfort.


Sessions typically run for an hour and a half.

Current Projects:


Center Herself; Private Practice since 2003

Bodywork Lead; Whole Person Healing Retreat Research; Joyful Heart Foundation; 2013 to present
Team Member; Surya Spa Mother Baby Program; January 2017-September 2017

Co-Founder; Becoming Girl Self Care Program; Spring 2017-present




Completed Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training; Lifeshapes Institute; 2014-2016


Certified Infant Massage Instructor; Loving Touch Foundation; 2005


Certified Perinatal Bodywork Practitioner; Body Therapy Associates; 2005


Associate Degree in Massage Therapy and Shiatsu; Swedish Institute; 2003-2004


Birth Doula Training with Connie Sultana; 2002


MA Language Teaching; School for International Training; 1998-1999


Introductory Shiatsu; Ohashiatsu; 1997


BA English Literature and Writing; University of Wisconsin-Madison 1991-1995







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